The closer summer gets, the more people exercise. Of course, we advocate healthy habits in all forms, but we also know that it’s important to strike a balance between work (including self-improvement) and relaxation. And that’s where vacation time comes in.
It’s normal that when planning a vacation to the sea or a trip to the mountains, we unwittingly worry about having to temporarily deviate from the usual schedule of exercise and diet. But there’s no need to worry. In fact, taking vacations is one of the healthiest habits. Proof of this is a study that found a direct link between taking a vacation, reducing anxiety and cholesterol levels, and normalizing blood pressure. Even the anticipation of a break makes us more calm and relaxed.
To ensure that you don’t give up your healthy habits while on vacation, here are some expert tips:
How do you train on vacation to stay in shape?
Don’t make it hard. Staying in shape means maintaining muscle mass. You don’t need to go all out on your workouts while on vacation. Just doing a couple of workouts a week, such as strength training or resistance complex, will help you maintain muscle mass and keep your metabolism up. If you only have a few minutes to spare, try a quick workout with fitness bands, which can be used to work just about every muscle in your body.

What’s the hardest part of staying fit while traveling?
The hardest part is keeping track of your schedule. Often life makes adjustments to even the most carefully planned trips. One of the few ways to get out of the situation is to work out as soon as you wake up so that the flow of events doesn’t have time to grab you and tear you away from your workout. When you’re on vacation, don’t forget that you’re more about keeping fit than working out. Even 20 to 30 minutes a day will help you not regress.
Smart tip: plan ahead
Before leaving for your vacation, do some research to find out if there is a gym or other fitness activities available nearby. You can also plan to incorporate physical activities into your vacation, such as hiking, biking, swimming, or even horseback riding. If you’re staying in a city, consider taking a walking or bike tour to see the sights while also getting some exercise.
Is it worth giving up proper nutrition and exercise while on vacation?
Probably not a good idea, especially if the vacation will be more than 2-3 days. It’s easier to plan things carefully. Is there a gym or any activities nearby? Think about swimming, biking, or just walking in nature or around town.
Smart tip: start with protein
When it comes to food, try to start every meal with protein. This will help you feel full and prevent overeating. Good protein sources include boiled eggs, grilled chicken, and other lean meats.

What exercises will do me the best if I literally have a few minutes?
It’s best to do a strength training or resistance complex. Weight work maintains strength and muscle mass so your metabolism doesn’t drop. However, if you continue to watch your diet, a week away from the gym isn’t likely to have much effect on your form. Instead of frantically searching for a place to work out, try new activities like hiking, rock climbing, or scuba diving. Hiking is a great workout, especially for city dwellers, because it engages your muscles in a whole new way.
If I stay in the city, what should I try to brighten up my fitness routine?
Find some kind of tour or excursion. Walking, biking, segway and even horseback riding is a great thing to do. Check with your neighbors or friends, and then look online for what they suggested to see what’s on offer in your city.

Is it possible to acquire new healthy habits while traveling?
Definitely. A change of scenery is one of the best ways to acquire new habits or give up old ones. For example, it’s easier to quit smoking on vacation because you’re away from the routine. And you can also distract yourself by trying something new.
Smart tip: set a goal to acquire one new healthy habit
A change of scenery is a great way to acquire new habits or break old ones. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, being away from your usual routine can make it easier to resist temptation. You can also distract yourself from unhealthy habits by trying new activities or exploring new places.
What to take with you on a trip for fitness purposes?
Fitness bands are a great choice. You can use them to work just about every muscle in your body, and they only weigh a little bit. You can take protein powder with you if it’s hard to find protein in the place you’re going.
It’s possible to stay fit and maintain healthy habits while on vacation. Don’t stress too much about deviating from your usual routine, and instead focus on incorporating physical activity and healthy eating into your vacation plans. By doing so, you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation while also staying on track with your fitness goals.