sedentary lifestyle

How to Get Rid of a Sedentary Lifestyle & Why You Should Do It

A sedentary lifestyle is one that involves little to no physical activity. It’s often associated with spending long periods of time sitting, such as in an office job or while binge-watching TV. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle can have negative impacts on both physical and mental health. In this blog post, we’ll explore the dangers of …

summer reads for 2023

Best Summer Reads 2023

Summer is the perfect time to relax, unwind and delve into a good book. Whether you’re lounging by the pool or escaping the heat in the air conditioning, a great summer read can transport you to new worlds, introduce you to interesting characters, and provide a welcome break from the stress of everyday life. Here …

how to stay fit while traveling

How to Stay Fit While Traveling

The closer summer gets, the more people exercise. Of course, we advocate healthy habits in all forms, but we also know that it’s important to strike a balance between work (including self-improvement) and relaxation. And that’s where vacation time comes in. It’s normal that when planning a vacation to the sea or a trip to …

summer skincare

Skin Care Tips for Summer

After the cold winter, we always look forward to summer and vacations to pamper our skin with warm sunshine. However, we should not forget that it is in summer that our skin is exposed to serious tests – dry and hot air, dust, and, of course, ultraviolet radiation. All these negative factors increase the sebum …